RAVAS Global
Fighting Global Tax Evasion
RAVAS was originally setup by Richard Allen in 2009 as an independent pressure group of UK retailers that successfully fought to end the exploitation of LVCR via the Channel Islands and also to ensure that Online Market Places collect VAT for non UK sellers in order to prevent VAT evasion.
RAVAS worked with Vatfraud.org on the VAT evasion problem.
Full details and historical information relating the RAVAS campaign can be found at:
and the work of VATfraud.org can be seen at :
Now relaunched as Ravas Global to tackle the newly emerging issue of goods being shipped direct from outside the UK/EU/USA.
Ravas has no political agenda but is united in its vision that if we have to pay VAT the Government should make sure all ecommerce platforms pays it as well. We do not accept that we should have to factor tax avoidance or evasion into our business operations and we expect the Government to prevent the avoidance and evasion of indirect taxation.
Ravas collects information on the abuse of LVCR and feeds it to the European Commission and HMRC and if necessary we will take collective legal action to force them to take action.
We have legal and tax advice from a number of experts who have given their time to help us.
Founder of Ravas Global
Drop me an email at: ravasglobal@gmail.com